Hunting Daze (2024)

Is Nina (Nahéma Ricci) on her own in the wilderness? That’s the first question in the provocative and left-field horror-thriller Hunting Daze, a film which offers rather subtle moral questions in amidst its much more brutal, alarming developments. Nina, then, is at first framed as though she’s alone; actually, she’s part of a group, and […]

Street Trash (2024)

In the year 2050, the world is in the grip of economic disaster. In South Africa, the city of Cape Town is hardly an exception to the rule, experiencing ninety percent unemployment and daily unrest as the homeless try to survive in a society where it’s just them and the super-rich. Displaced from a middle […]

The Damned (2024)

The menacing blue of distant, jagged mountains opens The Damned (2024), revealing an inhospitable, if still beautiful Icelandic landscape. It immediately looks like an environment ill-fitted for human habitation, and so it turns out to be. The female narrator who speaks briefly to us espouses a similar sentiment, walking through what is left of the […]

Cuckoo (2024)

You’d better get used to the discordant screeching soundtrack to Cuckoo (2024), because it starts early and man, it keeps on going. It accompanies the opening scenes, where we witness a young woman fleeing both a family fight and, it seems, the weird noise in her head which quickly afflicts us, too. As she runs […]