Hell’s teeth – quite literally, as it happens; two competitions in one week? Well, lucky you, as we also have a copy of Belzebuth to give away. For fans of Mexican horror (which always seems to be ramped up to a level that evades non-Mexican horror), Belzebuth melds the tragedy of a school massacre with a decidedly occult potential explanation for the massacre, as the recently-traumatised Detective Ritter (Joaquín Cosio) investigates. Then the Vatican shows up – something which rarely bodes well in horror, let’s be honest.
UK readers: to win a copy, simply email the site with ‘Belzebuth’ as the email title. It couldn’t be simpler to potentially get some Latin American-flavoured demonic darkness into your lives.
If you are successful, you will be contacted after 12pm (GMT) on Thursday, 23rd September. (GDPR compliance: all identifying information will be removed from our server after the competition closes.)
Good luck, again!