The Fiend (1972)

Distributor: Odeon Entertainment DVD Release Date: 7th March 2011 Directed by: Robert Hartford-Davis Starring: Patrick Magee, Tony Beckley, Ann Todd, Suzanna Leigh Review by: Ben Bussey A small congregation sits in a crumbling suburban church. All clad in garments drab and dirty enough to have stepped directly out of a Charles Dickens novel, they are […]

Review: A Reckoning

A Reckoning (2009) Directed by: A.D. Baker Starring: Leslie Simpson, Axelle Carolyn Review by: Nia Edwards-Behi Editor’s note: this review was previously published at Nia’s blog Cannibal Hollywood. A Reckoning is a small film, but thoroughly grand. It’s horror and melodrama and poetry for the same reason: it’s a meditation on the human condition. Despite […]

DVD Review: 70s Supernatural Sexploitation in ‘Virgin Witch’

Virgin Witch (1971) Distributor: Odeon Entertainment DVD Release Date (UK): 28th February 2011  Directed by: Ray Austin Starring: Ann Michelle, Vicki Michelle, Keith Buckley, Patricia Haines Review by: Ben Bussey Two beautiful, virginal, adolescent sisters run away from home with dreams of fame and fortune in London town. Promptly picked up by a smooth-talker in […]

DVD Review: Mindflesh

Mindflesh (2008) Distributor: 4Digital Media DVD Release Date (UK): 24th January 2011 Directed by: Robert Pratten Starring: Peter Bramhill, Carole Derrien, Lucy Liemann, Chris Fairbank Review by: Ben Bussey Taxi drivers: are they ever just down to earth, emotionally stable people? It would seem not. In the crazy cabbie sweepstakes, would-be novelist Chris Jackson (Peter […]

Review: The Fallow Field

The Fallow Field (2009) Production company: Figment Directed by: Leigh Dovey Starring: Steve Garry, Michael Dacre, Natalie Overs, Johnny Vivash Review by: Ben Bussey Matt Sadler (Garry) has a few problems in his life. First off, his missus no longer wants anything to do with him. Secondly, the mistress he’s been keeping, who has in […]