The Ledge (2022)

A piece of vertical ordeal horror, if you will, The Ledge certainly hops around between ordeal and a couple of other genres too – though it remains resolutely two-dimensional. That being said, there is enough here – enough tension, enough clout – to just about hold it together, and it does enough overall to keep […]

Frightfest Glasgow: The Old Ways (2020)

Possession horrors are almost always based around Catholic lore, and demons are dispensed with via Catholic means. But this, surely, isn’t the whole picture: other traditions and cultures must have their own spin on this kind of horror. Well, The Old Ways at least initially purports to provide a different spin on the genre; however […]

A Ghost Waits (2020)

Unorthodox stories of the afterlife seem to offer a great deal of potential for exploring fundamental ideas about what it means to be alive: when faced with disruptions to what we know, or think we know, or believe in, we’re encouraged to think differently, or given a new focus on what’s important. A Ghost Waits […]

Black Circle (2018)

Horror films have often invoked different kinds of physical media as conduits or access points for dark forces, and given the significance of music in our culture, it’s little wonder that records have figured fairly highly over the years, particularly in decades gone past. There have been some great stories which feature records, or other […]

The Dead Center (2018)

Of late, there seem to have been a fair few films which focus on what happens to the human body in the interim period between death and burial – in particular, the inner workings of the morgue and the postmortem examiners who are employed there. More and more, too, horror audiences are interested in looking […]