DVD Review: Dead Snow 2 – Red vs. Dead

By Keri O’Shea Ah, Nazis. There’s a definite fascination with the Nazis in modern/trash culture, and in horror movies they turn up with perplexing regularity; maybe it’s because they were our foes, maybe we feel most comfortable playing out fantasy scenarios which involve them because we feel safe to mock those whom we beat – […]

40 Dark Years of the Night Porter – a Retrospective

  By Helen Creighton 1974’s Il Portiere di Notte, aka The Night Porter, is a film that uneasily straddles the line between art house movie and outright Nazisploitation flick. It deals with the post-war meeting and subsequent doomed relationship between a young female concentration camp survivor, Lucia (Charlotte Rampling) and the oddball, sadistic SS officer […]