
Since Warped Perspective recently celebrated all things folk horror, it’s only appropriate that their own comic reviewer checks out a new addition to the folk horror comic scene, Redlands. Comics and folk horror have gone hand in hand for decades, dating back to early horror anthologies that prominently featured witches, ghouls and the Devil, delivering […]

The Dissolving Classroom

What can I say about Junji Ito that I haven’t said a million times already? As well as being this writer’s favorite manga-ka (manga creator) with his unique and terrifying vision of the grotesque, he should be yours too! So you can imagine my surprise when I learned that not only has he released a […]

Rick and Morty #27

What can be said about Rick and Morty that hasn’t been said by Youtube channels and stoners for the past three years? Yes, it’s one of the most original and clever shows to have graced animated entertainment since Futurama. Yes, the humor of the show does speak to the human experience while pointing out the […]

Invader Zim #40

For those of us who were teens in the late 90s to early 2000s and loved Marilyn Manson and JNCO jeans more than life itself, the name Jhonen Vasquez is very familiar. If you didn’t go through puberty like a butterfly of bad fashion, Jhonen Vasquez was the creator of such underground comics as Johnny […]

Comic Review: Head Lopper

By Svetlana Fedotov Boy, do I sure love me some sword fantasy! Over the top monsters, bare-chested swordsmen, forged and broken alliances, and more wolves than you can shake a stick at. Head Lopper has all that in spades! Image Comics’ newest fantasy release, Head Lopper follows the traditional manly man of barbarian tropes and […]