Labyrinth: Coronation #1

What can I say about Jim Henson’s classic 1986 fantasy film Labyrinth that hasn’t already been said? No really, what can I say? Labyrinth is one of those movies that almost everyone has seen. Even if you haven’t seen it, you’ve heard about it, or at least about David Bowie’s outrageous bulge during Dance Magic […]

100 Bullets: First Shot, Last Call (1999)

You know how everyone has got a ‘must’ list? Must-watch horror movies, must-play video games, must-cook food of ancient Atlantis? Well, 100 Bullets is the epitome of must-read comics, side-by-side with such greats as Watchmen and The Sandman. A brilliant noir crime work written by Brian Azzarello and illustrated by Eduardo Risso, 100 Bullets starts […]

Hungry Ghosts #1

Anthony Bourdain is the coolest guy on the planet. He travels, he eats, and he tells Andrew Zimmern to shut up. He looks like what a good brandy tastes like. He’s what I imagine that bad-ass guy from the neighborhood grew up to be instead of peaking in high school and having a kid way […]

Rocko’s Modern Life #1

There’s nothing cheesier than starting a conversation with the words “hey, do you remember the 90s?” But really, do you, 90s kids? Remember Rugrats, Gakk, getting slimed, or that spinning thing that twirled around your leg and counted how many times you jumped over it? What was the point of that thing? Anyway, as the […]

Silly Symphonies #3

Most of us are too young to remember Silly Symphonies in its prime. Hell, most of our parents are too young remember it; but, much like Universal Monsters and WW2, we still seem to be talking about it. Silly Symphonies was a series of 75 Disney cartoons released between 1929 and 1939 focusing on combining […]