Make Believe Film Fest 2024: Humanist Vampire Seeking…

With a rather unwieldy title, Humanist Vampire Seeking Consenting Suicidal Person (Vampire humaniste cherche suicidaire consentant) starts at – a little girl’s birthday party. The little girl, Sasha, surprises her close-knit family group with her innate ability to play the keyboard she’s given as a gift – something which they puzzle over while she plays. […]

Make Believe Film Fest 2024: A Most Atrocious Thing

How do you signal to your audience that things are going to head south pretty fast – other than by titling your film A Most Atrocious Thing, that is? Turns out it’s by showing us almost instantly a sign reading Danger! Contaminated Water! Then a deer drinking from this water, before cutting straight to some […]

“The Flame Still Flickers in the Fen”: Penda’s Fen at 50

A wounded hand disappears into nothingness as a modern, chain link fence divides us, at least initially, from an idyllic English churchyard; if Penda’s Fen (1973) can be seen as fairly recusant in its treatment of themes and narrative structure, then you could equally argue that it spells out its key themes, or at least […]

Nightmare (1981)

You’ve gotta love a film that straight away states its intent (and understand a film which needs to sell its merits pretty damn quickly) and Nightmare (1981) does both of these things. We’re off with a dream of a dismembered body, a shrieking nightmare, a man in a straightjacket – and the immediate need to […]

Interview: Joanna Tsanis, director of short film Smile (2021)

Continuing with Warped Perspective’s interviews with the directors behind ARROW Player’s recent Sharp Shorts, we asked director Joanna Tsanis about her own short film – a very brief, super-focused study of depression, grief and fear. Oh, and it’s a monster film, too. Here’s our conversation about Smile (2021). Warped Perspective: This is a very brief […]

DogMan (2023)

The latest from Luc Besson begins with an onscreen quote from Lamartine: “Whenever there is an unfortunate, God sends a dog.” The unfortunate in question here is Doug (Caleb Landry Jones) and God hasn’t settled for one dog, there’s a whole van load of them to be found as our protagonist’s vehicle is pulled over […]

Nobody is Crazy (2019)

“The future is as irreversible as the rigid yesterday,” says the Borges quote that opens the fantasy coming-of-age journey Nobody is Crazy, directed by Federico J. Arioni – who penned this wild script and also stars as one of its leads. Exploring mental illness, growing up and time travel through our main character’s battle with […]