Review: Raging Boll (2010)

Review by Quin There is a famous quote from Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung that has always stayed with me: “Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.” Personally, I’ve always tried to remember this when dealing with difficult people. It doesn’t always help in the moment, but if nothing […]

Review: Godzilla (2014)

This time last year, it was “Today we are cancelling the apocalypse!” Today, it’s “Let them fight!” After making a valiant, but ultimately less than successful attempt to revive the daikaiju for the CGI blockbuster age with 2013’s Pacific Rim, Warner Bros and Legendary Entertainment have stepped right back into the ring with a movie […]

Comic Review: Princess Ugg #1

By Svetlana Fedotov The Disney Company has pretty much owned the word “princess” since Snow White burped onto the movie scene in 1937. Doe-eyed girls with full bosoms and sassy attitudes have defined the world of royal ladies, inspiring millions of little girls to match their shoes to their dresses while speaking in a very […]

Review: +1 (2013)

Review by Quin What would you do if you were ever put into a scenario where you met yourself? Yes, I know it’s a strange question, and it’s one that I’ve never really considered before. There have been tons of films over the years featuring clones and doppelgängers, but +1 does it in a pretty […]

Comic Review: Nail Biter #1

By Svetlana Fedotov Of all the evil creatures to grace the human imagination, none is more feared than those closest to humanity’s irrationality: other people. While we safely assume that the people who pass us every day are just as sane and well-adjusted as us, we only have to turn on the TV to see […]

DVD Review: Camp Dread (2014)

By Ben Bussey When the trailer for Camp Dread came online a month or so back, I thought it looked like complete and total shit, been-there done-that microbudget slasher fare offering up absolutely nothing new – but even so, showing potential to be a bit of a laugh. Guess what? I was right about the […]

Review: Wolf Creek 2 (2013)

Review by Stephanie Scaife It’s been eight years since our introduction to Mick Turner (John Jarratt) in Greg McLean’s incredibly grim outback horror Wolf Creek, and now he’s back to unleash yet more xenophobic carnage on unsuspecting tourists. Being that the original was the highest grossing R18+ (equivalent to NC-17) movie in Australian history, it’s […]

DVD Review: Birth of the Living Dead (2013)

By Keri O’Shea It’s hard to think back to a time when the phenomenon of the ‘independent movie’ was all but unknown, and even harder to think back to a time when the flesh-eating zombie as we know it didn’t exist – but one man, together with his team, was responsible for the advent of […]